Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Manage content and structure shows internal server error

when the site owner click on manage content and structure it shows internal server error
Solution: go to the site actions --> click on the view all site content
here click on each list and find out any of the list  shows internal server error, delete that corrupted list using SharePoint designer.
now manage content and structure is working fine

Thursday, February 19, 2015

SharePoint Interview Quetions

Company 1
1.what are the new features in 2013.
2.without developing the timer can we run the job.
3.why we are used Oweb.allowunsafeupdates=true; you know about apps
5.the user does not have permission in the site but he can add the it possible through code?
6. what are different joblocktype types in the timer job
7.what are the implementation steps to implements the FBA in 2010 or 2013(membership provider and role provider)
8.write a program for adding attachment in sharepoint.
9.what is the difference b/w List and Document liabrary.
10.How to attach lotus note DB to SP
11.What is Reindexing in sharepoint.
12.How publish infopath forms
13.Are you working powershell commands we can get objects using powershell
15.what is a content type
16.Can we implement a content type in all site collection level
17.what is content type hub we can attach event receiver for specific list we can attach event receiver for two lists
20.are you involved in DB maintenance
21.what is a Resource throttling
22.what is the difference b/w SRS reports and Crystal Reports
23.what is a before and after event receivers
24.what is the difference between allow unsafeupdats and RunwithElevatedprivilenges
25.How implement Properties in sharepoint

Company 2
1.How to set custom application page as welcome or Home page.
2.I want to show one master page for some users and other master page others how you can do this.
3.Can we call asynchronous call in synchronous call.
4.How to debug JQury file & Css file.
5.How to get text box value using JQuery
6.How you deploy master page using VS.
7.Element.xml file what contains.
8.Directly modified changes are reflected in timer jobs.

Company 3
1.What are new feature in SP2013.
2.what are new features you are implemented in SP2013.
3.What are the different types of constructors in timerJobs.
4.What are the enumarators in JobLockTypes in SP Timer Job tell about that.
5.what is the difference b/w Crawling service and Indexing.
6.How we can get values from one user control to another user control that are present in same Webpart.
7.we have 100 users that members have read permission per one list ad remaining people have edit permission
  for the same list how you give this permission using out of box
8.what is marks percentage from 10th to Mca
9.How you are implemented client object model in SP2013.
10.Can we call load method more than once.
11. Camal query is available in Client object model.
12.what are new feature you are implemented in workflows.
13.are you worked with info path forms.
14.How we can take Content DB back up from 2010 to 2014. you have knowledge on SQL & .Net.
16.How much length of procedure you written in SQL.
17.How much time you take for design & coding for wsp in VS.
18.what is a FBA & Windows authentication SP.
19.I want send mails for 5 days before user How you can send mails to users
20.timer call in two ways retention policy and timer job using VS.
21.are you worked with powershell commands.
22.are you worked with apps.
23.what are different types delegate controls in SP

Company 4
1st Round:
1.what is the difference b/w powell shell and stsadm tool
2.How integrate .net application to sharepoint
3.Code standards in SP
2 round:
1.what is difference b/w Configuration database and content database
2.what is the difference b/w visual studio wf and designer workflows
3.what is managed meta data term you get the information from client to migrate the data from LN to SP
joining & ending times in the worked companies
2.are you involved with client requirements.
