Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The operation has timed out. While deploying SSRS

Check all following conditions:

Step :1
  1. The connection string for the data source, which is - Connect Timeout=100
  2. Tools>Options>Database Tools>Query and View Designers. Cancel long running query is set to 100 or max 60000
  3. Tools>Options>Database Tools>Table and Database Designers>Checked 'Override Connection String time-out value for table designer updates. Transaction time-out after is set to 100 or max 60000
Step :2 
  1. Open your web browser on the server and go to http://localhost:80/Reports
  2. Navigate to the Report location and click on the problem report(s).
  3. On the left-hand pane, click on Properties.
  4. In the ‘Report Execution Timeout’ click the ‘Do not timeout report execution’. (via

Set the HttpRuntime ExecutionTimeout
  1. Open the ReportServer’s Web.config file by going to Start -> Administrative Tools -> Internet Information Services.
  2. From there, expand Web Sites -> Default Web Site, and click on ReportServer. On the right-hand pane, right-click ‘Web.Config’ and select ‘Open’.
  3. Locate the HttpRuntime parameter. If it doesn’t exist, you will have to create it within the section.
  4. Set the executionTimeout value to ‘10800’ (3 hours) as shown below:

Step: 4
Tools>Options>Database Tools>Table and Database Designers> check the option  prevent saving changes that requires table re-creation 
step: 5 
also check your results by executing the procedure or SQLstatement